
The Topsham Community Association (TCA) was established in the 1960s. It has recently reconstituted itself as a company limited by guarantee and now has a formal membership structure. The objects of TCA remain unchanged – To promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Topsham and to establish and maintain a Community Centre

The directors of the Company are volunteers  who carry out the work to achieve these objectives. They are elected by the members of the Company at its Annual General Meeting each year.



We hold the lease on Matthews Hall and surrounding land and run it as a community centre for the benefit of residents. The costs of running the hall, rent to the City Council, maintenance and repair are paid for by the enterprises organised by the Company.  

The hire fees for all the activities which go on in the hall provide the bulk of the hall income. We also rent out the cafe area to an independent business. In order to undertake the work relating to Matthews Hall we have part-time staff to handle bookings and the market and live-in caretakers who ensure that the hall is fit for use. Since May 2018, we also have a part-time administrator, based at Matthews Hall.  The directors manage the Company and carry out the administration. See Who we are.

We are in the process of taking on the management of the Dorothy Holman Centre which is similarly a community building which pays for its rent and running costs with hire fees.

We run a vibrant Saturday Market in Matthews Hall every week and employ a market manager to run this.

We run a weekly over-50s seniors ‘youth’ group on Tuesday afternoons at the Dorothy Holman centre. We employ a manager to run the group.

We also represent the community of Topsham to Exeter City and Devon County Councils on issues affecting the life of the town. We respond to consultations and seek the views of residents on issues which are identified as being important. 


We appoint the Topsham Town Crier, who carries on a long and noble tradition by announcing forthcoming community events. You can contact Rogan Meadows, at [email protected] or on 07962 971410. He cries monthly on the first Saturday outside Matthews Hall.

Join TCA to learn more about your community, get involved and Have Your Say. Please get in touch using the website CONTACT PAGE.

CAMPAIGNS AND INTERESTS INCLUDE: Public Toilets… Parking… Flood wardens… Matthews Hall… Dorothy Holman Centre… The Topsham Town Crier… The T Bus Service… The Recreation Ground Skate Ramp Renewal… Tuesday Seniors Club

If you have any comments or questions about any of the above or on any matter concerning the community of Topsham, please get in touch. If we can help, we will.


As mentioned above, the Community Association responds to consultations from the City and County Councils. One of the considerations from these organisations is the number of members in any responding organisation. The only way we can demonstrate that we represent the views of Topsham people is to show that we have a significant membership. As we must retain a formal register of members we can consult with our members electronically or by post and can therefore respond quickly to issues raised.

Even more importantly, only members may vote for directors of the company at the Annual General Meeting each year. The directors need to have confidence that they are carrying out the wishes of the community in line with the objectives of the Company. This is best demonstrated when their nomination and election is confirmed by a broad cross section of the population. Members of the Company must be aged 16 or over and live or work in Topsham.  To become a member an eligible person must complete an APPLICATION FORM. It’s free to join!