Join Us

The Community Association responds to consultations from the City and County Councils. One of the considerations from these organisations is the number of members in any responding organisation. The only way we can demonstrate that we represent the views of Topsham people is to show that we have a significant membership. As we must retain a formal register of members we can consult with our members electronically or by post and can therefore respond quickly to issues raised.

Even more importantly, only members may vote for directors of the company at the Annual General Meeting each year. The directors need to have confidence that they are carrying out the wishes of the community in line with the objectives of the Company. This is best demonstrated when their nomination and election is confirmed by a broad cross section of the population. Members of the Company must be aged 16 or over and live or work in Topsham.  To become a member an eligible person must complete an APPLICATION FORM. It’s free to join!